- A Tax in Fee’s Clothing – SDA Conference 9-10-2014
- CORA Policies for Special Districts 6-25-2014
- Basics of Water and Sewer Rate Setting SDA Newsletter February-2013
- Open Meetings Law SDA Newsletter November 2012
- Survival of Districts in a Poor Economy: The Impact of Foreclosures and Declining Property Values on Special Districts 9-16-2011
- Indemnification Provisions in Contracts with Special Districts 6-8-2010
- Sunshine Law: The Black, the White and the Gray of Open Meetings 11-20-2009
- Model Executive Session Minute Language for insertion at the beginning of executive session 11-20-2009
- Model Motion to Convene an Executive Session to be entered into the minutes of the public meeting 11-20-2009
- How are Foreclosures, Bankruptcies and Delinquencies Affecting Your Special District? Debt Workouts, Restructuring, Collections and other Solutions 9-25-2009